Posts tagged harvest
How to Plant Carrots
We have had some real success with our garden here at the Lavender Apple. Our sloped mountain soil is rich and our vegetables seem to love it. My personal favorite things to plant are all the root vegetables. There is something so satisfying about planting something and seeing it's green leaves all summer, and then come fall pulling out great big vegetables underneath! Its' like digging for buried treasure! Here are some tips for planting carrots this spring. 

Try to plant your seeds at least 3 weeks before the last spring frost date. Make sure your soil is clear of stones, because carrots need deeply tilled soil that they can push through without obstacles. If you leave a few rocks here or there, you will get some funny shaped carrots come harvest, but that may just be part of the fun. Plant your seeds about 3-4 inches apart, best to do it in rows so they are easy to find come harvest day. 

Any other tips for us on how you plant your carrots? 
Oh dear, now I'm craving some of Peggy's famous carrot cake! 
I wanted to share some beautiful photos with you that were taken just before our harvest this year. We love our little homestead here in Millville Utah and are so greatful to all of our wonderful customers who love and support our local lavender business. 

Hope you enjoy these photos and have a wonderful and relaxing day! 

Stuffed With Lavender
Every year after our lavender harvest, our lavender cottage is stuffed full to the brim with - you guessed it - lavender! Each year our crop grows more and more and we almost don't know what to do with all these beautiful purple flowers. After properly drying them we begin shipping out lavender bundles to customers, or we box them up to store them to make our lovely products. We debud the bundles by hand as we use them. Its a very labor intensive project, but it ensures you get the best quality buds when you are do. Now we better get back to work making lavender salt, our jams and jellies, neck wraps, sachets, and more! 

Visit our store HERE and check out all of our neat organic lavender products! 
The Lady In The Purple Hat
Thanks for indulging me in sharing all of these purple photos with you this last month! Tis the season! 

As you probably know, the Lavender Apple is a family run farm. We have been growing the highest quality lavender available for almost 8 years now. We offer seasonal fresh cut bundles, dried lavender, lavender sachets, lavender honey, jellies, and jams. We sell lavender soap, bath salts, sugar scrub, and even lavender water. 

Here is our very own Peggy, doing what she does best, working in her lavender fields. 

The summer is fading and so have our flowers. Our harvest is complete and now we are reaping the benefits of its bounty. Time to get busy crafting and creating wonderful lavender infused products! Thanks for all of your love and support! 

*Photographers interested in taking photos in our fields should contact us directly to schedule an appointment and inquire about fees.