Posts tagged bees
The Prettiest Lavender Images
We had lots of lovely friends and visitors come up to the farm this year. One of those was a lovely gentleman by the name of Robert Welkie. He was generous enough to share these photos he took of our farm with us. Aren't they beautiful? Autumn is such a lovely time on the farm, but these photos make me wish it was lavender season again!

As you can see from these and many photos from our farm, our lavender honey bees sure are hard workers! If you want to purchase some of our lavender honey, you can do so here. 

Have a wonderful day!

Lavender Honey Bees
As you probably have probably heard, the worlds precious honey bee populations are in a drastic decline. Not only do we depend on them as lavender farmers, but the world in general depend on them for our lives. Without bees there would be no fruits or vegetables. Without plants, there would be no we. So lets do our part to take care of and save the bees. 

Three easy ways you can help save the bees: 
1. Plant! Plant flowers, herbs, anything that pollinates. Even if you live in a huge high-rise apartment, even a single window planter can help. 
2. Buy local! Support your local farmers that in turn support your local beehives. 
3. Don't use pesticides. Sure, they keep the bad bugs out, but they are also killing our most useful bug friends. 

We sure love our black and yellow friends around here, and hope you will join us in the fight to stop their population decline. Hope you have a bee-utiful day!