The Best Grilling Condiments You're Forgetting About

Summer is the time for grilling. Everyone wants to be outdoors, that's where all the action is. Picnics, barbecues, get togethers with family and friends. Its the stuff long lasting memories are made of. I don't know about you, but the food you serve at your summer get togethers all play into those great memories. Weekend after weekend, traditional grilled burgers or chicken can get old hat pretty quickly, which is why we try to switch things up. Every week we like trying out a new tasty condiment with our grilled meats. Have you ever tried the Lavender Apple's Cranberry Apple Relish?  It is oh so good. 

Cranberry relish is typically thought of as an accompanying side to Thanksgiving or Christmas fare. But here at the Lavender Apple, we actually use it all year round. It goes smashingly with grilled chicken, lamb, and even sweet burgers. Your guests will be so impressed to get a flavor profile they aren't expecting and they will be singing your praises for something that is so simple to add, but that makes the meal feel a little bit different and a little bit special. 

Other condiments we love and highly recommend are a spicy rhubarb chutney, homemade relish, chimichurri herb sauce, and creamy dill mustard. Condiments can often be an after thought at a barbecue, so by putting a little extra thought into yours, it will be the easiest way to elevate your parties. 
