Creative Ways To Use Lavender Essential Oil

If you use essential oils at all in your daily life, you are probably pretty familiar with all of the standard uses for lavender essential oils. Its wonderful for relaxing and relieving stress. Well today I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite less known uses for lavender essential oils. 

Did you know you can use lavender essential oil as a mattress refresher? Simply mix about a third of a cup of baking soda with 3 drops of lavender apple essential oil. Then sprinkle the mixture over your mattress. Let this sit for about 30 minutes, then simply vacuum it up with the nozzle of your vacuum. I've noticed my son sleeps so much more soundly when I do this because the lavender smell is left on his mattress and helps soothe him to sleep. Heavens, I probably sleep better too! 

The other unique way you can use lavender essential oil is for your hair! Many essential oils are only good for certain types of hair, but luckily lavender oil works on all hair types. Its great for preventing breakage, soothing a dry scalp, and even has soothing properties for dry hair. 

The last one I want to talk about is using lavender oil to help with nose bleeds. Any moms of toddlers know that these can occasionally spring up. Simply blot a tissue with lavender oil and place it in the nostril. It may sound a little odd, but it certainly works. 

Well there are a few of the lesser widely known uses for lavender essential oils. There are just so many ways to use this powerful elixir. I'd love to hear how you use yours. And if you're running low, you can always order more online here: