How to make Roasted Tomato Sauce and/or Puree

Tis the season to collect all those delicious vine ripe tomatoes and create something fabulous with them.  As you know, I'm a big fan of roasting veggies.  Their flavor becomes more rich through the roasting process.  Each season I roast my tomatoes.  I like to make spaghetti sauce, soups and stews with them.

Roasted Tomato Sauce/Puree Recipe
preheat oven to 400

8 tomatoes
1 small yellow onion
3 cloves garlic
1/3 cup fresh herbs (anything really, parsley, sage, thyme or basil)
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp Herbs de Provence (optional)
pinch of salt & pepper

Wash and core tomatoes. Cut into quarters.  Add cut onions, garlic and fresh herbs. Toss with olive oil and then add salt and pepper; I also like to add our own blend of Herbs de Provence. Toss your veggies well and place on a cookie sheet, being carful not to crowd.  Roast in oven until all veggies are golden brown.  Take out of oven and cool.  At this point I like to place them in a freezer bag and freeze.  When you want to use them just take them out and un-thaw.
Puree the sauce and add chicken, then pour over pasta.  You won't be sorry you went to the effort to preserve these delicious tomatoes!


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